個案 0140

[#瓷牙之美 系列六] 我還很年輕的時候,常聽老一輩的牙醫說,做前牙很簡單,越白越好,所謂一白遮三醜。我有點年紀之後,同輩的牙醫們又說,患者只愛馬桶白,別浪費心思去做那些細節。 現在,我漸漸發現,或許只是患者不知道她 (他) 還有別的選擇。 白,不只是白,那是一種青春的顏色。但若只是一昧追求白,也就失去了生命的顏色。畢竟,就像葉慈所說的 :「我們都是在尋找在一切被創造以前,我的那張臉。」 Just White? As a dentist, I was often told how our clients wants nothing but toilet whites but is it? often is the case that they are not told the full story of how colour perceptions are related to the youth the Youth is NEVER about just white, but also about colours, without it everything turns lifeless. After all, what we pursue is nothing but the face we had, #Before_the_World_was_made #美白 #貼片 #精準是美 #朱育正牙醫 #天野齒 #師法自然
