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個案 0099
【細節的價值】非常困難的案例,由於患者的牙齒較長,但咬合卻較淺(第三類咬合),過高的垂直咬徑使得我們在規劃笑容時,面臨了牙齒比例可能惡化的兩難。 幸好使用局部矯正以及牙齦手術,過程中經歷了三付臨時假牙,才逐漸塑型成理想的外觀,謝謝患者的耐心和技師的巧手。
2 Initial situation withmutiple discolored teeth, uneven gingiva, and class 3 occlusion(edge to edge).
3 "removed old restorations, and 22 was found fractured. 22 was extracted followed by soft tissue augmantation procedures. First set of provisionals were relined free hand, and the midline was off to patient's right side."
4 2nd set of provisionals was made according to the CEJ position of teeth.
5 Simple alignment and root torque correct gingival discrepancies.
6 "3rd Set of provisionals after gingival correction. Canine position in accordance with canine guidance."
7 Modified Ovate Pontic with 2mm in the soft tissue.
8 rd set provisional ready for prep guide.
9 final restoration by Leo Liao.
10 trying, maintaining the bite.
11 pontic is almost symmetrical with contralateral tooth.
12 pontic is almost symmetrical with contralateral tooth.